21 December 2008

School photo circa 1915 of my father (second from left top row). Probably at Pilgrim St School as my grand father on my fathers side was the landlord of the Glass Barrel Public House in Market Street.
Although 2+2 (still) =4 there are still 26 letters in the alphabet and 1066, Trafalgar, Sir Francis Drake and all that was and still is the same, as well a manners, good behaviour and politness, there was then no radio, no television, no calculators, computers, subsidised school dinners or buses, probably very few books and one certainly would not have own one's own pen. There were no 'biros', just a nib and ink pot. Schools would not have had central heating and the teacher was someone to be looked up to as a professional who would not close the school because of bad weather.
But still in the 1950's when I started school we wrote with a nib and ink pot, there where still no televisions in schools, they were heated by open coal fire places in each classroom, although central heating was being installed in schools then, but no one had it at home.Calculators and computer where just not heard of, but school teachers were then still one of the highest professions to be admired..........its a pity they don't have this status and professionalism any longer.

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